If you are reading this article, so it means that you are searching for some solid material to help you in the development of the software. Which questions you should ask from you future business partner before making any decision? Following are some of the important and interesting tips which will help you in this case.


These five questions are some of the essential questions you should know before making any business deal with the software houses:

1. Who recommends them?

Granting public permissions and recommendations does not matter only in the politics. This way of explaining the skills is also very famous in the business industry. It is a fact that you have to look for the information about your future cooperant before signing an agreement. Searching about the software house in the World Wide Web will usually do the trick. If a person is interested in someone’s work, ethics or capability to conduct specific project so, he should also gather and grab some information about the company from the company’s web site and hit the Portfolio tab. Reputable software houses will most likely post logos of their clients along with a couple of words of explanation. Apart from just that, a simple method of experience confirmation is a signed recommendation letter. You should make sure that you have done your homework and see that the software houses you are considering have some experience in creating similar solutions for others within the branch.

2. How big is my project?

Apart from focusing on your business partner, it is also essential to study your personal management, you should look at the processes that the software should cover and try to cover the work amount that have to be done. If your business partner is experienced then he would be capable to support you and to grant a modest workshop called product discovery. These types of meetings will make you able to visualize the product and to establish your future development project in such a way that it will make easier for anyone who will read or study your case. The Project’s size matters a lot because some IT COMPANIES focus only on small projects. Software houses are very different from each other, some software houses main focuses are on the mobile apps and some are web development oriented.

3. What is my budget?

Budget is something which is very important in any field of business. The deal with the IT COMPANIES SYSTEM is tough that it can be developed in the stages and there is not a single need to calculate the exact cost of anything that is still very analytical. The AGILE METHODOLOGY of the software development gives us the permission to select the important features and have prepared them before any others “NICE-TO-HAVE” elements. Your software can grow together with your company and according to the need of your developments. If at some point you run out of your budget and you want to stop your development so you can stop it and still be able to use Minimum Viable Product. Asking yourself about the budget is something which matters a lot. You will never want to start your project and then all in a sudden wanted to close it because of some miscalculation. 4. Do I plan to extend and/or integrate the software with other solutions? If you are thinking to boost up your software or wanted to create a bigger platform so first of all you should make sure that the software house you are choosing offers you post-implementation support that you might demand after the finishing of the job. If you want to pick up a project in the future it would be easier for you to work with the same business companies you worked before, because they are already aware with your organizations and systems. If you think about this now, it will out come as a benefit for you in the future.

5. How are they going to ensure the safety of information?

Great amount of information is required every day in the business software. If you are going to choose and work with any company to prepare such solutions, so your first duty is that you should make sure about data security. You should have the proofs that the software houses you are choosing are very possessive about the security of their products. If the company you are choosing is responsible to place the software on the servers and taking the responsibility of the solutions so only then it is good to have a deal with such companies.
You should make sure that the discussion about the IT PROJECT must be done with a faithful and a trustworthy person. You should pay a great attention on the communication manner of the company. You should make sure that both the parties have signed an agreement b/w them and find a cooperant that is loyal and trustworthy.
Itechx is one of the leading software houses in Lahore and London.

Written by: Itechx